21 Jul

I love making my own at-home self-care products. The most common products that I make on a regular basis include body balms, tooth powder, deodorant, and body scrubs! Sometimes I make very simple three-ingredient scrubs and sometimes I go all-out and make a scrub with seven or eight ingredients. No matter how many ingredients you put into your scrub, your body will always thank you.

Simple Sugar Scrub

1 cup sugar*

1/2 cup oil (coconut oil or almond oil)

essential oils

For the sugar, you can use 1 type of sugar (turbinado) or a blend (1/2 turbinado and 1/2 brown sugar).

For the oil, you can use whatever oil you have on-hand, but I tend to use coconut oil or almond oil. If you live in a colder climate, your coconut oil will harden. Place your glass jar in a shallow bowl of hot water to gently warm up the coconut oil before using.

For the essential oils, you can use any scents that you like. I tend to use lavender, grapefruit, or vanilla, depending on the season and the purpose of the scrub.

To use your scrub -- place a towel on the floor, spoon a small amount into the palm of your hand, and begin to scrub your feet and legs. I scrub from the bottom and then move up to the torso, arms, hands, and neck. Let the oils blend into the body and skin for a little while before you shower off. After you shower, gently towel off and enjoy your smooth, soft, glowing skin! 

Have fun making your body scrubs and unleash your inner creativity!










Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu