21 Nov

Where is the moon in the night sky?

The new moon is a great time to set new intentions, goals, and strategies to empower yourself. The new moon, or dark moon, is a time right before energy ignites. In this darkness are space and all possibilities. Take time to decide what you want to create. In the days after the new moon, the light (your creation) is igniting, growing, and blooming. You may not see it come to fruition until the full moon 6 months from now. That is ok. Everything and everyone needs time to blossom.

I align my life to the moon cycle. I feel more connected to the earth, space, moon, stars, planet, and the ultimate divine energy from this practice. 

I observe where the moon is in the sky in relation to the sun, planets, and stars. 

This new moon is found inside the constellation of Scorpio. This is where the moon is physically seen from my place on earth. I do not follow the Western Astrology ideology. I experience the moon for what I see in the sky, not based on calculations.

It is simple.

Where is the moon? What is nearby in the sky? How does this feel to me?

Grounding this experience inside my body, heart, and soul. 

It is simple. It is magical.




*magical simplicity*